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@winvn version 0.76 placed into RCS
@Rearrange headers to allow precompiled headers
* $Id: wvblock.c 1.8 1994/08/23 23:09:33 martin Exp $
* $Log: wvblock.c $
* Revision 1.8 1994/08/23 23:09:33 martin
* movebytes param changed from far * to huge *
* Revision 1.7 1994/06/08 21:01:45 gardnerd
* more scrolling changes...
* Revision 1.6 1994/06/01 19:04:02 gardnerd
* horizontal scrolling support
* Revision 1.5 1994/01/12 19:27:32 mrr
* mrr mods 4
* Revision 1.4 1993/12/08 01:27:21 rushing
* new version box and cr lf consistency
* Revision 1.3 1993/06/28 17:53:24 rushing
* fixed compiler warnings
* Revision 1.2 1993/05/24 23:56:18 rushing
* Doc->HeaderLines = 0 (MRB)
* Revision 1.1 1993/02/16 20:53:50 rushing
* Initial revision
/* -- WVBLOCK.C --------------------------------------------------
* This file contains a collection of routines to manipulate textblocks
* and lines within textblocks.
* The routines here view lines as atomic units only (they don't
* look at the actual data in the lines).
* Mark Riordan 20 September 1989.
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include "wvglob.h"
#include "winvn.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ctype.h>
/*-- function NewBlock ------------------------------------------
* Creates an empty, new textblock and links it into the list
* of blocks after a given block.
* After the call, both the old ("given") block and the new block
* are locked in memory.
* Entry CurBlockPtr points to a block
* Exit NewBlockPtr points to a block that has been linked
* into the list just after CurBlockPtr.
* Returns TRUE if couldn't allocate a block, else FALSE.
* (I know I should fix that.)
NewBlock (CurBlockPtr, NewBlockPtr)
TypBlock far *CurBlockPtr, far ** NewBlockPtr;
HANDLE hMyBlock;
TypBlock far *MyBlock, far * MyNextBlock;
hMyBlock = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, (long) (CurBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->BlockSize));
if (hMyBlock)
MyBlock = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hMyBlock);
SetupEmptyBlock (MyBlock, hMyBlock, CurBlockPtr->hCurBlock,
CurBlockPtr->hNextBlock, CurBlockPtr->OwnerDoc);
CurBlockPtr->hNextBlock = hMyBlock;
/* Change the next block's "previous" pointer to point to us. */
if (MyBlock->hNextBlock)
MyNextBlock = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (MyBlock->hNextBlock);
MyNextBlock->hPrevBlock = hMyBlock;
GlobalUnlock (MyBlock->hNextBlock);
*NewBlockPtr = MyBlock;
MessageBox (CurBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->hDocWnd, "Could not allocate textblock", "Out of Memory Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND);
return (1);
return (0);
/*-- function SetupEmptyBlock -----------------------------------------
* Initialize fields in a newly-allocated textblock.
* Set the fields to indicate an empty block.
SetupEmptyBlock (BlockPtr, hCur, hPrev, hNext, DocPtr)
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
HANDLE hCur, hPrev, hNext;
TypDoc *DocPtr;
BlockPtr->OwnerDoc = DocPtr;
BlockPtr->hCurBlock = hCur;
BlockPtr->hPrevBlock = hPrev;
BlockPtr->hNextBlock = hNext;
BlockPtr->LWAp1 = sizeof (TypBlock) + sizeof (TypLine);
BlockPtr->NumLines = 0;
BlockPtr->NumActiveLines = 0;
BlockPtr->eob = END_OF_BLOCK;
((TypLine far *) ((char far *) BlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock)))->length = END_OF_BLOCK;
((TypLine far *) ((char far *) BlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock)))->LineID = NextLineID++;
/*-- function DeleteBlock ---------------------------------------------
* Delete a textblock from a document.
* Entry CurBlockPtr points to the block to delete.
* Exit CurBlockPtr points to the next block, if any, else the
* previous block.
* CurLinePtr points to the first line of the next block
* if there was one, else the last line of
* the previous block.
DeleteBlock (TypBlock far ** CurBlockPtr, TypLine far ** CurLinePtr)
TypBlock far *MyBlockPtr = *CurBlockPtr;
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
HANDLE hMyBlock = MyBlockPtr->hCurBlock, hMyPrev = MyBlockPtr->hPrevBlock, hMyNext = MyBlockPtr->hNextBlock;
BOOL set_cur_block = FALSE;
/* Don't delete the only block in the document. */
if (!hMyNext && !hMyPrev)
return (FALSE);
/* Update the prev pointer of the next block to point to
* the block previous to the one being deleted.
if (hMyNext)
BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hMyNext);
BlockPtr->hPrevBlock = hMyPrev;
GlobalUnlock (hMyNext);
NextLine (CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr);
set_cur_block = TRUE;
/* The block we are deleting has no next block, so it
* must be the last in the document. Update document pointers.
MyBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->hLastBlock = hMyPrev;
/* Update the next pointer of the previous block to point to
* the block after the one being deleted.
if (hMyPrev)
BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hMyPrev);
BlockPtr->hNextBlock = hMyNext;
GlobalUnlock (hMyPrev);
if (!set_cur_block)
/* There is no next block, so we want to position the
* pointer to the end of the previous block.
PrevLine (CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr);
NextLine (CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr);
/* The block we are deleting has no previous block, so it
* must be the first in the document. Update document pointers.
MyBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->hFirstBlock = hMyNext;
GlobalFree (hMyBlock);
return (TRUE);
/*-- function AddLine -------------------------------------------------
* Add a line to a textblock. Create a new textblock if necessary.
* Entry LineToAdd points to a line to add.
* CurBlockPtr points to the block to which we want to add it.
* CurAddPtr points to the place in the block to add the line.
* Exit CurBlockPtr & CurAddPtr point to right after the
* newly-added line.
* Method There are three cases:
* 1. The new line will fit in the textblock.
* That's pretty easy.
* 2. The new line won't fit, and we are at the end of
* the current block.
* I could have just treated this as I do case 3 (splitting
* the textblock), but that would have resulted in
* a lot of unnecessary internal fragmentation
* (i.e., wasted space inside textblocks).
* So, what I do is leave the contents of the old block
* alone and just create a new empty block, to which
* the line is added by a recursive call.
* 3. The new line won't fit, and we are not at the end of
* the textblock.
* In this case, I split the textblock at the first line
* boundary after the split point (the split point is
* an attribute of the document--usually about 2/3 of the
* way through the textblock), creating two semi-full textblocks
* where there was one full one before.
* The routine then recursively calls itself.
AddLine (LineToAdd, CurBlockPtr, CurAddPtr)
TypLine *LineToAdd;
TypBlock far **CurBlockPtr;
TypLine far **CurAddPtr;
TypBlock far *MyBlock = *CurBlockPtr;
int left = (MyBlock->OwnerDoc->BlockSize - MyBlock->LWAp1);
if (LineToAdd->length <= (int) left)
/* There's room in the current block for this line, so just */
/* move lines down to accomodate this line and copy it in. */
MoveBytes ((char far *) *CurAddPtr,
((char far *) *CurAddPtr) + LineToAdd->length,
(((char far *) MyBlock + MyBlock->LWAp1)) - (char far *) *CurAddPtr);
MoveBytes ((char far *) LineToAdd, (char far *) *CurAddPtr,
/* Adjust textblock counters. */
MyBlock->LWAp1 += LineToAdd->length;
if(LineToAdd->active) MyBlock->NumActiveLines++;
IncPtr ((*CurAddPtr), LineToAdd->length);
/* There isn't enough room in the current textblock. */
/* If we are at the end of the current block, just create */
/* a new empty one; otherwise, split the current block. */
TypBlock far *NewBlockPtr;
if ((*CurAddPtr)->length == END_OF_BLOCK)
/* We're at end of block; create a new empty one. */
/* This will be the current block, so release references */
/* to the now-current block */
if (NewBlock (MyBlock, CurBlockPtr))
return (1);
GlobalUnlock (MyBlock->hCurBlock);
*CurAddPtr = (TypLine far *)
((char far *) *CurBlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock));
/* Now we can recursively try again to add the line. */
if (AddLine (LineToAdd, CurBlockPtr, CurAddPtr))
return (1);
/* We need to split the textblock. */
/* Find a place to split the block by starting at the */
/* beginning of the block and skipping through the lines */
/* until we pass the number of bytes that marks the */
/* split point. The previous line is the split point. */
TypLine far *MyLinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) MyBlock + sizeof (TypBlock));
TypLine far *MyLastLine = MyLinePtr;
int nOldLines = 0, nBytesMoved, MyAddOffset;
while ( (unsigned)((char far *) MyLinePtr - (char far *) MyBlock) <
MyBlock->OwnerDoc->SplitSize &&
MyLinePtr->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
MyLastLine = MyLinePtr;
IncPtr (MyLinePtr, MyLinePtr->length);
/* Allocate the new block and copy the last portion of */
/* the current block to the new one. The range to */
/* copy starts at the above-determined split point and */
/* goes until the LWA+1. */
/* Then adjust the new & old textblock fields. */
if (NewBlock (MyBlock, &NewBlockPtr))
return (1);
MoveBytes (MyLastLine, (char far *) NewBlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock),
nBytesMoved = (((char far *) MyBlock + MyBlock->LWAp1)) - (char far *) MyLastLine);
MyBlock->LWAp1 = (char far *) MyLastLine - ((char far *) MyBlock)
+ sizeof (TypLine);
((TypLine far *) MyLastLine)->length = END_OF_BLOCK;
((TypLine far *) MyLastLine)->LineID = NextLineID++;
NewBlockPtr->NumLines = MyBlock->NumLines - nOldLines;
MyBlock->NumLines = nOldLines;
NewBlockPtr->LWAp1 = nBytesMoved + sizeof (TypBlock);
/* Should the new line go in the old block or the new? */
/* If the add point is beyond the end of the newly- */
/* truncated block, we must move the add point to the */
/* next block and make the new block the current one. */
/* The new position should be the same */
/* number of line bytes past the beginning of the next */
/* block as it was past the split point when it was in */
/* the old block. */
/* Either way, one block (the old or the new one) */
/* must be unlocked. */
if (*CurAddPtr >= MyLastLine)
/* Add point is in new block. */
MyAddOffset = (char far *) *CurAddPtr - (char far *) MyLastLine + sizeof (TypBlock);
*CurAddPtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) NewBlockPtr + MyAddOffset);
*CurBlockPtr = NewBlockPtr;
GlobalUnlock (MyBlock->hCurBlock);
/* Add point is in current block. */
GlobalUnlock (NewBlockPtr->hCurBlock);
return (AddLine (LineToAdd, CurBlockPtr, CurAddPtr));
return (0);
/*-- function ReplaceLine -------------------------------------------------
* Replace a line in a textblock. Create a new textblock if necessary.
* Entry LineToAdd is the line to put into a textblock.
* CurBlockPtr points to the block containing the old copy.
* CurLinePtr points to the old copy of the line.
* Exit returns TRUE if successful.
* CurBlockPtr points to the block containing the new copy of the line.
* CurLinePtr points to the new copy of the line.
* Usually, CurBlockPtr & CurAddPtr will be the
* same upon exit as upon entry; however, sometimes
* a textblock split is necessary.
* Method There are two cases:
* 1. There is enough room in this textblock for the
* changed line.
* This is pretty simple.
* 2. There is not enough room in this textblock for the
* changed line. This requires a textblock split,
* as with AddLine. There's a lot of common code
* here--should probably consolidate it in a single routine
* some day.
ReplaceLine (LineToAdd, CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr)
TypLine *LineToAdd;
TypBlock far **CurBlockPtr;
TypLine far **CurLinePtr;
TypBlock far *MyBlockPtr = *CurBlockPtr;
TypLine far *MyLinePtr = *CurLinePtr;
int deltasize;
int numbytes;
char far *target, far * source;
deltasize = LineToAdd->length - (MyLinePtr->length);
if (deltasize <= (int) (MyBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->BlockSize - MyBlockPtr->LWAp1))
/* There's room in the current block for this line, so just */
/* move lines down to accomodate this line and copy it in. */
/* Move the data in the textblock up or down, starting with */
/* the line after the line being replaced. */
source = (char far *) MyLinePtr + MyLinePtr->length;
target = source + deltasize;
numbytes = ((char far *) MyBlockPtr + MyBlockPtr->LWAp1) -
(char far *) MyLinePtr - MyLinePtr->length;
MoveBytes (source, target, numbytes);
MoveBytes ((char far *) LineToAdd, (char far *) MyLinePtr,
MyBlockPtr->LWAp1 += deltasize;
/* There isn't enough room in the current textblock. */
/* We need to split the textblock. */
/* Find a place to split the block by starting at the */
/* beginning of the block and skipping through the lines */
/* until we pass the number of bytes that marks the */
/* split point. The previous line is the split point. */
TypBlock far *NewBlockPtr;
TypLine far *MyLinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) MyBlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock));
TypLine far *MyLastLine = MyLinePtr;
int nOldLines = 0, nBytesMoved, MyAddOffset;
while ( (unsigned) ((char far *) MyLinePtr - (char far *) MyBlockPtr) <
MyBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->SplitSize &&
MyLinePtr->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
MyLastLine = MyLinePtr;
IncPtr (MyLinePtr, MyLinePtr->length);
/* Allocate the new block and copy the last portion of */
/* the current block to the new one. The range to */
/* copy starts at the above-determined split point and */
/* goes until the LWA+1. */
/* Then adjust the new & old textblock fields. */
if (NewBlock (MyBlockPtr, &NewBlockPtr))
return (1);
MoveBytes (MyLastLine, (char far *) NewBlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock),
nBytesMoved = (((char far *) MyBlockPtr + MyBlockPtr->LWAp1)) - (char far *) MyLastLine);
MyBlockPtr->LWAp1 = (char far *) MyLastLine - ((char far *) MyBlockPtr)
+ sizeof (TypLine);
((TypLine far *) MyLastLine)->length = END_OF_BLOCK;
((TypLine far *) MyLastLine)->LineID = NextLineID++;
NewBlockPtr->NumLines = MyBlockPtr->NumLines - nOldLines;
MyBlockPtr->NumLines = nOldLines;
NewBlockPtr->LWAp1 = nBytesMoved + sizeof (TypBlock);
/* Should this line go in the old block or the new? */
/* If the add point is beyond the end of the newly- */
/* truncated block, we must move the add point to the */
/* next block and make the new block the current one. */
/* The new position should be the same */
/* number of line bytes past the beginning of the next */
/* block as it was past the split point when it was in */
/* the old block. */
/* Either way, one block (the old or the new one) */
/* must be unlocked. */
if (*CurLinePtr >= MyLastLine)
/* Replace point is in new block. */
MyAddOffset = (char far *) *CurLinePtr - (char far *) MyLastLine + sizeof (TypBlock);
*CurLinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) NewBlockPtr + MyAddOffset);
*CurBlockPtr = NewBlockPtr;
GlobalUnlock (MyBlockPtr->hCurBlock);
/* Add point is in current block. */
GlobalUnlock (NewBlockPtr->hCurBlock);
return (ReplaceLine (LineToAdd, CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr));
return (TRUE);
/*-- function DeleteLine ----------------------------------------------
* Delete a line from a textblock.
* Entry CurBlockPtr points to the block containing the line.
* CurLinePtr points to the line to delete.
* Exit returns TRUE if successful.
* CurBlockPtr points to the block containing the next line,
* if any.
* CurLinePtr points to the next line, if any--else the
* end of the block.
* Usually, CurBlockPtr & CurLinePtr will be the
* same upon exit as upon entry; however, sometimes
* a textblock is emptied and the entire block
* is deleted.
DeleteLine (TypBlock far ** CurBlockPtr, TypLine far ** CurLinePtr)
TypBlock far *MyBlockPtr = *CurBlockPtr;
TypLine far *MyLinePtr = *CurLinePtr;
int bytes_to_end, bytes_to_copy;
int cur_length = MyLinePtr->length;
/* If we are (erroneously) at the end of a block, do nothing */
if (MyLinePtr->length == END_OF_BLOCK)
return (FALSE);
/* Copy the remainder of the block on top of the line to be deleted. */
bytes_to_end = ((char far *) MyBlockPtr + MyBlockPtr->LWAp1) -
(char far *) MyLinePtr;
bytes_to_copy = bytes_to_end - cur_length;
MoveBytes ((char far *) MyLinePtr + cur_length, (char far *) MyLinePtr,
/* Update the block counters. */
MyBlockPtr->LWAp1 -= cur_length;
/* If we are now at the end of the block, we are faced with one of
* two situations:
* 1. We are also at the beginning of the block, and hence
* the block is empty. In this case we must delete the block
* unless it is the only block.
* 2. Otherwise, we must advance to the next block, if any.
if (MyLinePtr->length == END_OF_BLOCK)
/* We are at the end of the block. */
if (*((int far *) (MyLinePtr) - 1) == END_OF_BLOCK)
/* We have emptied the block. We must check for whether
* this is the last block in the document.
if (MyBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->TotalLines)
/* The document is not empty. Delete this empty block.
DeleteBlock (CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr);
/* The document is empty. Don't delete this block.
* Leave the pointer at the same place. It is now pointing
* at the next line.
/* We're at the end of the block, but the block is not empty.
* Just advance to the next block, if any.
NextLine (CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr);
return (TRUE);
/*-- function NextLine ------------------------------------------------
* Advance a pointer to point to the next line in a document.
* Entry BlockPtr points to the current block.
* LinePtr points to the current line.
* Exit BlockPtr & LinePtr point to the next line, if there
* was one.
* Returns TRUE iff pointer was moved.
* Method Must advance BlockPtr if LinePtr was at the end
* of a block to start with, or arrives at the end of a block
* after moving to the end of the current line.
NextLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr)
TypBlock far **BlockPtr;
TypLine far **LinePtr;
BOOL retcode = 0;
if ((*LinePtr)->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
/* (char far *) *LinePtr += (*LinePtr)->length; */
IncPtr (*LinePtr, (*LinePtr)->length);
if ((*LinePtr)->length == END_OF_BLOCK)
if ((*BlockPtr)->hNextBlock)
GlobalUnlock ((*BlockPtr)->hCurBlock);
*BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock ((*BlockPtr)->hNextBlock);
*LinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) *BlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock));
retcode = 1;
retcode = 1;
return (retcode);
/*-- function PrevLine ------------------------------------------------
* Back up a pointer to point to the next line in a document.
* Entry BlockPtr points to the current block.
* LinePtr points to the current line.
* Exit BlockPtr & LinePtr point to the previous line, if there
* was one.
* Returns TRUE iff pointer was moved.
* Method Rely on the fact that the last field of the previous
* line is the length of that line. Also, the last field
* in a textblock header (which is what you get if you
* try to look at the previous line in a textblock if you're
* at the beginning of a textblock) has the value END_OF_BLOCK.
PrevLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr)
TypBlock far **BlockPtr;
TypLine far **LinePtr;
if (*((int far *) (*LinePtr) - 1) != END_OF_BLOCK)
/* (char far *) *LinePtr -= *((int far *)(*LinePtr)-1); */
IncPtr (*LinePtr, -(*((int far *) (*LinePtr) - 1)));
if ((*BlockPtr)->hPrevBlock)
GlobalUnlock ((*BlockPtr)->hCurBlock);
*BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock ((*BlockPtr)->hPrevBlock);
*LinePtr = (TypLine far *)
((char far *) *BlockPtr + (*BlockPtr)->LWAp1 - sizeof (TypLine));
/* (char far *) *LinePtr -= ( *((int far *)(*LinePtr)-1)); */
IncPtr (*LinePtr, -(*((int far *) (*LinePtr) - 1)));
return (0);
return (1);
/*--- function TopOfDoc ------------------------------------------------
* Set pointers to the first line of a document.
* Entry Doc points to a document.
* Exit BlockPtr, LinePtr point to the first
* line in the document. This line is locked.
TopOfDoc (Doc, BlockPtr, LinePtr)
TypDoc *Doc;
TypBlock far **BlockPtr;
TypLine far **LinePtr;
HANDLE hBlock;
int Offset;
TypLineID MyLineID;
hBlock = Doc->hFirstBlock;
Offset = sizeof (TypBlock);
MyLineID = 0L;
LockLine (hBlock, Offset, MyLineID, BlockPtr, LinePtr);
/*--- function ExtractTextLine -----------------------------------------------
* Extract the text portion of a line to another buffer.
* Entry Doc points to the document.
* LinePtr points to a line.
* BufSize is the size of the output buffer in bytes.
* Exit Buf contains the text, terminated by a zero byte.
* Returns FALSE iff no text could be extracted
* (not a valid line).
ExtractTextLine (Doc, LinePtr, Buf, BufSize)
TypDoc *Doc;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
char *Buf;
int BufSize;
char far *bptr;
if (LinePtr->length == END_OF_BLOCK)
if (Doc->DocType == DOCTYPE_NET)
bptr = (char far *) LinePtr + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup);
while (--BufSize > 1 && (*(Buf++) = *(bptr++)));
*Buf = '\0';
DidIt = TRUE;
else if (Doc->DocType == DOCTYPE_ARTICLE)
bptr = (char far *) LinePtr + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypText);
while (--BufSize > 1 && (*(Buf++) = *(bptr++)));
*Buf = '\0';
DidIt = TRUE;
return (DidIt);
/*-- function LockLine ---------------------------------------------
* Find the specified line, and return a pointer to it.
* Lock the line in memory.
* Entry: hBlock is the handle of a block we think contains
* the desired line.
* LineOff is the offset in bytes from the beginning of
* the block for where we think the line is.
* FindLineID is the LineID of the desired line.
* If it is 0, we don't check line ID's (don't care).
* Exit: returns TRUE iff the line was found.
* BlockPtr points to the beginning of the block
* in which the line was found.
* LinePtr points to the line.
LockLine (hBlock, LineOff, FindLineID, BlockPtr, LinePtr)
HANDLE hBlock;
unsigned int LineOff;
TypLineID FindLineID;
TypBlock far **BlockPtr;
TypLine far **LinePtr;
*BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hBlock);
*LinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) *BlockPtr + LineOff);
if (FindLineID && (*LinePtr)->LineID != FindLineID)
/* The location specified by hBlock and LineOff does not
* contain the right line. So, unlock that block and start
* scanning the document from the top, looking for the line.
TypBlock far *MyBlockPtr;
TypLine far *MyLinePtr;
HANDLE hMyBlock;
int MyOffset;
hMyBlock = (*BlockPtr)->OwnerDoc->hFirstBlock;
MyOffset = sizeof (TypBlock);
GlobalUnlock (hBlock);
MyBlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hMyBlock);
MyLinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) MyBlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock));
while (MyLinePtr->LineID != FindLineID && NextLine (&MyBlockPtr, &MyLinePtr));
if (MyLinePtr->LineID == FindLineID)
*BlockPtr = MyBlockPtr;
*LinePtr = MyLinePtr;
MessageBox (hWndConf, "Can't find line", "in LockLine", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);
/*-- function UnlockLine ---------------------------------------------
* Given a block pointer and a line pointer, unlock the block
* in memory and return a line ID, a block handle and an offset within the
* block to the line.
* Entry BlockPtr points to a textblock
* LinePtr points to a line in that textblock
* Exit TheLineID is the LineID of the pointed-to line.
* hBlock is the handle to the textblock.
* LineOff is the offset (in bytes from the beginning
* of the block) of the line.
UnlockLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr, hBlock, LineOff, TheLineID)
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
HANDLE *hBlock;
unsigned int *LineOff;
TypLineID *TheLineID;
PtrToOffset (BlockPtr, LinePtr, hBlock, LineOff, TheLineID);
GlobalUnlock (*hBlock);
/*-- function PtrToOffset ---------------------------------------------
* Given a block pointer and a line pointer,
* return a line ID, a block handle and an offset within the
* block to the line.
* Entry BlockPtr points to a textblock
* LinePtr points to a line in that textblock
* Exit TheLineID is the LineID of the pointed-to line.
* hBlock is the handle to the textblock.
* LineOff is the offset (in bytes from the beginning
* of the block) of the line.
PtrToOffset (BlockPtr, LinePtr, hBlock, LineOff, TheLineID)
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
HANDLE *hBlock;
unsigned int *LineOff;
TypLineID *TheLineID;
*TheLineID = LinePtr->LineID;
*LineOff = (char far *) LinePtr - (char far *) BlockPtr;
*hBlock = BlockPtr->hCurBlock;
/*-- function WhatLine ------------------------------------------------
* Determine the ordinal number of a given line in the document.
* Entry BlockPtr points to the block containing a line.
* LinePtr points to the line.
* Exit Returns 0 = first line, 1 = second, and so on.
* Strategy is to start at the beginning of the document and
* scan though the lines, counting lines until we reach the
* current line. In more detail:
* Save the current position.
* Go to the first block of the document.
* Number of lines = 0
* While we are not yet at the original block,
* Add in the number of lines in this block, just by looking at header.
* Now that we have reached the original block, start at the
* beginning of the block and scan forward line-by-line until
* we reach the original line.
unsigned int
WhatLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr)
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
#if 0
/* This older code is faster, but ignores the distinction
* between active and inactive lines. /mrr
unsigned int nLines = 0;
TypBlock far *MyBlock;
TypLine far *MyLine;
TypDoc *MyDoc;
HANDLE hOrgBlock, hMyBlock, hNewBlock;
unsigned int OrgOffset, MyOffset;
TypLineID OrgLineID, MyLineID = 0L;
MyDoc = BlockPtr->OwnerDoc;
UnlockLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr, &hOrgBlock, &OrgOffset, &OrgLineID);
hMyBlock = MyDoc->hFirstBlock;
while (hMyBlock != hOrgBlock)
MyBlock = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hMyBlock);
nLines += MyBlock->NumLines;
hNewBlock = MyBlock->hNextBlock;
if (!hNewBlock)
MessageBox (MyDoc->hDocWnd, "Hit end of document", "Error in WhatLine",
GlobalUnlock (hMyBlock);
hMyBlock = hNewBlock;
/* The technique of scanning the NumLines field starts the */
/* counter at 1 rather than 0, so if we got any lines above, */
/* adjust the count by decrementing it. */
/* if(nLines) nLines--; */
/* We have reached the original block. */
/* Start scanning at the first line. */
MyOffset = sizeof (TypBlock);
LockLine (hMyBlock, MyOffset, MyLineID, &MyBlock, &MyLine);
while (MyOffset != OrgOffset)
NextLine (&MyBlock, &MyLine);
MyOffset = (char far *) MyLine - (char far *) MyBlock;
unsigned int nLines = 0;
TypBlock far *MyBlock;
TypLine far *MyLine;
TypDoc *MyDoc;
MyDoc = BlockPtr->OwnerDoc;
while(MyLine != LinePtr) {
if(MyLine->active) nLines++;
if(!NextLine(&MyBlock,&MyLine)) {
MessageBox (MyDoc->hDocWnd, "Hit end of document", "Error in WhatLine",
return (nLines);
/*--- function NumBlocksInDoc --------------------------------------------
* Find the number of blocks in a document.
* Entry Doc points to a document.
* Exit returns the number of textblocks in the document.
NumBlocksInDoc (Doc)
TypDoc *Doc;
TypBlock far *MyBlock;
HANDLE hMyBlock, hNewBlock;
int nBlocks = 0;
if (!Doc)
return (0);
hMyBlock = Doc->hFirstBlock;
MyBlock = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hMyBlock);
hNewBlock = MyBlock->hNextBlock;
GlobalUnlock (hMyBlock);
hMyBlock = hNewBlock;
while (hNewBlock);
return (nBlocks);
/*--- function FindLineOrd ---------------------------------------------
* Find the Nth line in a document.
* Entry Doc points to a document.
* LineOrd is the ordinal of the line to find.
* 0 = first line in document.
* Exit BlockPtr points to the block containing the line.
* LinePtr points to the line.
* return value is TRUE iff we found the line.
FindLineOrd (Doc, LineOrd, BlockPtr, LinePtr)
TypDoc *Doc;
unsigned int LineOrd;
TypBlock far **BlockPtr;
TypLine far **LinePtr;
#if 1
/* This old code is faster, but ignores the distinction between
* active and inactive lines. /mrr
unsigned int LinesSoFar = 0;
TypBlock far *MyBlockPtr;
TypLine far *MyLinePtr;
HANDLE hBlock, hNextBlock;
int retcode = 0;
hBlock = Doc->hFirstBlock;
MyBlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hBlock);
if (LinesSoFar + MyBlockPtr->NumActiveLines > LineOrd)
LinesSoFar += MyBlockPtr->NumActiveLines;
hNextBlock = MyBlockPtr->hNextBlock;
GlobalUnlock (hBlock);
hBlock = hNextBlock;
while (hBlock);
if (hBlock)
MyLinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) MyBlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock));
while (LinesSoFar < LineOrd)
if (!NextLine (&MyBlockPtr, &MyLinePtr))
retcode = TRUE;
*BlockPtr = MyBlockPtr;
*LinePtr = MyLinePtr;
TypBlock far *MyBlockPtr;
TypLine far *MyLinePtr;
HANDLE hMyBlock;
unsigned int MyOffset;
TypLineID MyLineID;
int retcode = FALSE;
while(1) {
if((*LinePtr)->active) {
if(!LineOrd--) {
retcode = TRUE;
if(!NextLine(BlockPtr,LinePtr)) {
/*UnlockLine(BlockPtr,LinePtr,&hMyBlock,&MyOffset,&MyLineID); */
return (retcode);
/*-- function MoveBytes -----------------------------------------------
* Move a region of bytes in memory from one place to another.
* Handle overlapping regions without destroying the source.
* Entry Source points to the FWA of the source.
* Target points to the FWA of the target.
* NumBytes is the number of bytes to copy (>= 0).
MoveBytes (FSource, FTarget, NumBytes)
void far *FSource, far * FTarget;
int NumBytes;
char huge *Source = FSource;
char huge *Target = FTarget;
if (Source < Target)
Source += NumBytes - 1;
Target += NumBytes - 1;
while (NumBytes--)
*(Target--) = *(Source--);
while (NumBytes--)
*(Target++) = *(Source++);
/*--- function InitDoc ---------------------------------------------------
* Initialize the fields of a document.
InitDoc (Doc, hWnd, Parent, DType)
TypDoc *Doc;
HWND hWnd;
TypDoc *Parent;
int DType;
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
HANDLE hBlock;
Doc->hLastBlock = 0;
Doc->TotalLines = 0;
Doc->HeaderLines = 0;
Doc->ActiveLines = 0;
Doc->BlockSize = BLOCK_SIZE;
Doc->SplitSize = (BLOCK_SIZE * 2) / 3;
Doc->hDocWnd = hWnd;
Doc->hLastSeenBlock = 0;
Doc->TopLineOrd = 0;
Doc->ParentDoc = Parent;
Doc->ParentLineID = 0L;
Doc->SearchStr[0] = '\0';
Doc->FindLineID = 0L;
Doc->TopScLineID = 0L;
Doc->InUse = TRUE;
Doc->DocType = DType;
Doc->hFindBlock = 0;
switch (DType)
Doc->OffsetToText = sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup);
Doc->OffsetToText = sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypArticle);
Doc->OffsetToText = sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypText);
hBlock = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, (long) BLOCK_SIZE);
if (hBlock)
BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hBlock);
SetupEmptyBlock (BlockPtr, hBlock, 0, 0, Doc);
Doc->hFirstBlock = hBlock;
Doc->hLastBlock = hBlock;
Doc->hCurAddBlock = hBlock;
Doc->AddOffset = sizeof (TypBlock);
Doc->AddLineID = 0L;
Doc->hCurTopScBlock = hBlock;
Doc->TopScOffset = sizeof (TypBlock);
Doc->TopScLineID = 0L;
Doc->LastSeenLineID = 0L;
GlobalUnlock (hBlock);
MessageBox (hWnd, "Could not allocate textblock", "Out of Memory Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND);
return (0);
/*-- function FreeDoc ----------------------------------------------
* Free up all the text blocks associated with a document.
* Entry Doc points to the document in question.
FreeDoc (Doc)
TypDoc *Doc;
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
HANDLE hBlock, hNextBlock;
/* Start at the first block of the document, and travel */
/* down the linked list of blocks, freeing them. */
hBlock = Doc->hFirstBlock;
while (hBlock)
BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hBlock);
hNextBlock = BlockPtr->hNextBlock;
GlobalUnlock (hBlock);
GlobalFree (hBlock);
hBlock = hNextBlock;
/*--- function ForAllLines ---------------------------------------------
* Perform an operation for all lines in a document. The operation
* to be performed is specified by a C function argument.
* Entry Doc is the document.
* lpfnFunc is a pointer to the function to call for
* each line.
* lFlag is a flag that's passed to the function.
ForAllLines (TypDoc *Doc,
void lpfnFunc(TypDoc *Doc, TypBlock far ** BlockPtr, TypLine far ** LinePtr, int wFlag, int wValue),
int wFlag, int wValue)
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
TypLineID old_lineID;
BOOL looping = TRUE;
TopOfDoc (Doc, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
if (LinePtr->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
old_lineID = LinePtr->LineID;
lpfnFunc (Doc, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr, wFlag, wValue);
if (old_lineID == LinePtr->LineID &&
LinePtr->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
looping = NextLine (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
else if (LinePtr->length == END_OF_BLOCK)
looping = FALSE;
while (looping);
/* UnlockLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr,
&(FindDoc->hFindBlock), &(FindDoc->FindOffset), &(FindDoc->FindLineID)); */
/*--- function ForAllBlocks ---------------------------------------------
* Perform an operation for all blocks in a document. The operation
* to be performed is specified by a C function argument.
* Entry Doc is the document.
* lpfnFunc is a pointer to the function to call for
* each block.
* lFlag is a flag that's passed to the function.
ForAllBlocks (TypDoc *Doc,
void lpfnFunc(TypDoc *Doc, TypBlock far ** BlockPtr, int wFlag, int wValue),
int wFlag, int wValue)
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
HANDLE hMyBlock, hNewBlock;
if (!Doc)
return ;
hMyBlock = Doc->hFirstBlock;
BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (hMyBlock);
hNewBlock = BlockPtr->hNextBlock;
GlobalUnlock (hMyBlock);
hMyBlock = hNewBlock;
while (hNewBlock);
/*--- function SetForBlock -----------------------------------
* Perform a function for a block.
* This is called by ForAllBlocks.
* Entry: Doc points to a document
* BlockPtr points to a block
* wFlag is a general-purpose flag.
* wValue is a general-purpose value.
SetForBlock(TypDoc *Doc, TypBlock far ** BlockPtr, int wFlag, int wValue)
switch (wFlag) {
(*BlockPtr)->NumActiveLines = wValue;
/*--- function FindString ----------------------------------------------
* Locate a search string in a document.
* Entry StartAtTop is TRUE iff we should start the search at
* the top of the document.
* FindDoc points to the document in which we are searching.
* ->hFindBlock is the block to start at, if StartAtTop
* is FALSE.
* ->FindOffset is the offset within the block of the
* line to start at, if StartAtTop is FALSE.
* ->SearchStr has the string to search for.
* Exit returns -1 if the string was not found,
* else the offset of the string from the beginning of the line.
* FindDoc ...
* ->hFindBlock has the block handle of the line which
* was found (if any)
* ->FindOffset has the offset of the found line (if any)
FindString (StartAtTop)
BOOL StartAtTop;
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
HANDLE hBlock;
unsigned int Offset;
unsigned int TextOffset;
BOOL found = -1;
int TargLen = 0;
int SourceLen;
char *Target;
char sourceline[MAXINTERNALLINE];
char targline[MAXFINDSTRING];
char *sourceptr, far * orglineptr;
char *targptr;
TypLineID MyLineID;
register char ch;
if (StartAtTop)
hBlock = FindDoc->hFirstBlock;
Offset = sizeof (TypBlock);
MyLineID = 0L;
hBlock = FindDoc->hFindBlock;
Offset = FindDoc->FindOffset;
MyLineID = FindDoc->FindLineID;
LockLine (hBlock, Offset, MyLineID, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
/* If doing a Find Next, skip forward one line before starting */
/* the search. */
if (!StartAtTop)
NextLine (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
TextOffset = FindDoc->OffsetToText;
Target = FindDoc->SearchStr;
for (targptr = targline; ch = *Target, *(targptr++) = tolower (ch);
if (LinePtr->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
if(LinePtr->active) {
orglineptr = (char far *) LinePtr + TextOffset;
sourceptr = sourceline;
for (SourceLen = 0; ch = *(orglineptr),
*(sourceptr++) = tolower (ch); SourceLen++)
found = SearchLine (sourceline, SourceLen, targline, TargLen);
while (found == -1 && NextLine (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr));
UnlockLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr,
&(FindDoc->hFindBlock), &(FindDoc->FindOffset), &(FindDoc->FindLineID));
return (found);
/*--- function SearchLine -----------------------------------------------
* Search a line for a target string.
* Entry Line is a zero-terminated string to search.
* LineLen is strlen(Line). Redundant, but passed for
* efficiency.
* Target is the Target string to search for, zero-terminated.
* TargLen is strlen(Target), passed for efficiency.
* Exit returns -1 if not found, else the character position
* in which the string was found (0=first).
SearchLine (Line, LineLen, Target, TargLen)
char *Line;
int LineLen;
char *Target;
int TargLen;
char *stopptr = Line + LineLen - TargLen + 1;
char *lineptr;
char *searchptr;
char *targptr;
if (LineLen <= 0 || TargLen <= 0 || TargLen > LineLen)
return (-1);
for (lineptr = Line; lineptr != stopptr; lineptr++)
searchptr = lineptr;
for (targptr = Target; *targptr && *(targptr) == *(searchptr);)
if (!(*targptr))
return (lineptr - Line);
return (-1);
/*--- function DoFind ---------------------------------------------------
* Controlling routine for searching for text.
* Takes care of displaying window properly when search is done.
* Entry StartAtTop is TRUE iff we should start at the top
* of the document.
* FindDoc points to the document being searched.
* All the info we need is in fields in this doc.
DoFind (StartAtTop)
BOOL StartAtTop;
int CharPos;
int iline;
TypBlock far *BlockPtr;
TypLine far *LinePtr;
int found = FALSE;
BOOL refresh = FALSE;
int goline;
unsigned int LineOrd;
unsigned int LastAllowedLineOrd;
CharPos = FindString (StartAtTop);
if (CharPos >= 0)
iline = LineOnScreen (FindDoc, FindDoc->hFindBlock, FindDoc->FindOffset, FindDoc->FindLineID);
/* If this line wasn't on the screen, we are going to have
* to adjust the top of the screen.
* Make the found line the top of the screen, then back up a
* little to give the user a context in which to view the line.
if (iline == -1)
FindDoc->hCurTopScBlock = FindDoc->hFindBlock;
FindDoc->TopScOffset = FindDoc->FindOffset;
FindDoc->TopScLineID = FindDoc->FindLineID;
refresh = TRUE;
LockLine (FindDoc->hCurTopScBlock, FindDoc->TopScOffset, FindDoc->TopScLineID,
&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
for (goline = FindDoc->ScYLines / 4; goline; goline--)
PrevLine (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
/* Have we gone past the top of the last screen?
* If so, move the top line back to the top of the last screen.
LineOrd = WhatLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr);
LastAllowedLineOrd = FindDoc->TotalLines - FindDoc->ScYLines;
if (LineOrd > LastAllowedLineOrd)
GlobalUnlock (BlockPtr->hCurBlock);
FindLineOrd (FindDoc, LastAllowedLineOrd, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
LineOrd = LastAllowedLineOrd;
UnlockLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr, &(FindDoc->hCurTopScBlock),
&(FindDoc->TopScOffset), &(FindDoc->TopScLineID));
FindDoc->TopLineOrd = LineOrd;
iline = LineOnScreen (FindDoc, FindDoc->hFindBlock, FindDoc->FindOffset, FindDoc->FindLineID);
InvalidateRect (FindDoc->hDocWnd, NULL, FALSE);
found = TRUE;
return (found);
@movebytes param changed from far * to huge *
@d4 1
a4 1
* $Id: wvblock.c 1.7 1994/06/08 21:01:45 gardnerd Exp $
d6 3
d43 2
a44 1
#include "windows.h"
d47 1
@more scrolling changes...
@d4 1
a4 1
* $Id: wvblock.c 1.6 1994/06/01 19:04:02 gardnerd Exp $
d6 3
d1080 2
a1081 2
char far *Source = FSource;
char far *Target = FTarget;
@horizontal scrolling support
@d4 1
a4 1
* $Id: wvblock.c 1.5 1994/01/12 19:27:32 mrr Exp $
d6 3
a230 3
MyBlock->OwnerDoc->LongestLine = max(MyBlock->OwnerDoc->LongestLine
@mrr mods 4
@d4 1
a4 1
* $Id: wvblock.c 1.4 1993/12/08 01:27:21 rushing Exp $
d6 3
d227 3
@new version box and cr lf consistency
@d4 1
a4 1
* $Id: wvblock.c 1.3 1993/06/28 17:53:24 rushing Exp rushing $
d6 3
d62 1
a62 1
CurBlockPtr->hNextBlock, CurBlockPtr->OwnerDoc);
d68 5
a72 5
MyNextBlock = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock (MyBlock->hNextBlock);
MyNextBlock->hPrevBlock = hMyBlock;
GlobalUnlock (MyBlock->hNextBlock);
d101 1
d163 2
a164 2
/* There is no next block, so we want to position the
d167 3
a169 3
PrevLine (CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr);
NextLine (CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr);
d232 1
a232 1
((char far *) *CurAddPtr) + LineToAdd->length,
d235 1
a235 1
d240 1
d254 20
a273 20
/* We're at end of block; create a new empty one. */
/* This will be the current block, so release references */
/* to the now-current block */
if (NewBlock (MyBlock, CurBlockPtr))
return (1);
GlobalUnlock (MyBlock->hCurBlock);
*CurAddPtr = (TypLine far *)
((char far *) *CurBlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock));
/* Now we can recursively try again to add the line. */
if (AddLine (LineToAdd, CurBlockPtr, CurAddPtr))
return (1);
d275 70
a344 70
/* We need to split the textblock. */
/* Find a place to split the block by starting at the */
/* beginning of the block and skipping through the lines */
/* until we pass the number of bytes that marks the */
/* split point. The previous line is the split point. */
TypLine far *MyLinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) MyBlock + sizeof (TypBlock));
TypLine far *MyLastLine = MyLinePtr;
int nOldLines = 0, nBytesMoved, MyAddOffset;
while ( (unsigned)((char far *) MyLinePtr - (char far *) MyBlock) <
MyBlock->OwnerDoc->SplitSize &&
MyLinePtr->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
MyLastLine = MyLinePtr;
IncPtr (MyLinePtr, MyLinePtr->length);
/* Allocate the new block and copy the last portion of */
/* the current block to the new one. The range to */
/* copy starts at the above-determined split point and */
/* goes until the LWA+1. */
/* Then adjust the new & old textblock fields. */
if (NewBlock (MyBlock, &NewBlockPtr))
return (1);
MoveBytes (MyLastLine, (char far *) NewBlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock),
nBytesMoved = (((char far *) MyBlock + MyBlock->LWAp1)) - (char far *) MyLastLine);
MyBlock->LWAp1 = (char far *) MyLastLine - ((char far *) MyBlock)
+ sizeof (TypLine);
((TypLine far *) MyLastLine)->length = END_OF_BLOCK;
((TypLine far *) MyLastLine)->LineID = NextLineID++;
NewBlockPtr->NumLines = MyBlock->NumLines - nOldLines;
MyBlock->NumLines = nOldLines;
NewBlockPtr->LWAp1 = nBytesMoved + sizeof (TypBlock);
/* Should the new line go in the old block or the new? */
/* If the add point is beyond the end of the newly- */
/* truncated block, we must move the add point to the */
/* next block and make the new block the current one. */
/* The new position should be the same */
/* number of line bytes past the beginning of the next */
/* block as it was past the split point when it was in */
/* the old block. */
/* Either way, one block (the old or the new one) */
/* must be unlocked. */
if (*CurAddPtr >= MyLastLine)
/* Add point is in new block. */
MyAddOffset = (char far *) *CurAddPtr - (char far *) MyLastLine + sizeof (TypBlock);
*CurAddPtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) NewBlockPtr + MyAddOffset);
*CurBlockPtr = NewBlockPtr;
GlobalUnlock (MyBlock->hCurBlock);
/* Add point is in current block. */
GlobalUnlock (NewBlockPtr->hCurBlock);
return (AddLine (LineToAdd, CurBlockPtr, CurAddPtr));
d399 1
a399 1
(char far *) MyLinePtr - MyLinePtr->length;
d404 1
a404 1
d424 7
a430 7
MyBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->SplitSize &&
MyLinePtr->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
MyLastLine = MyLinePtr;
IncPtr (MyLinePtr, MyLinePtr->length);
d439 3
a441 3
return (1);
d443 38
a480 38
MoveBytes (MyLastLine, (char far *) NewBlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock),
nBytesMoved = (((char far *) MyBlockPtr + MyBlockPtr->LWAp1)) - (char far *) MyLastLine);
MyBlockPtr->LWAp1 = (char far *) MyLastLine - ((char far *) MyBlockPtr)
+ sizeof (TypLine);
((TypLine far *) MyLastLine)->length = END_OF_BLOCK;
((TypLine far *) MyLastLine)->LineID = NextLineID++;
NewBlockPtr->NumLines = MyBlockPtr->NumLines - nOldLines;
MyBlockPtr->NumLines = nOldLines;
NewBlockPtr->LWAp1 = nBytesMoved + sizeof (TypBlock);
/* Should this line go in the old block or the new? */
/* If the add point is beyond the end of the newly- */
/* truncated block, we must move the add point to the */
/* next block and make the new block the current one. */
/* The new position should be the same */
/* number of line bytes past the beginning of the next */
/* block as it was past the split point when it was in */
/* the old block. */
/* Either way, one block (the old or the new one) */
/* must be unlocked. */
if (*CurLinePtr >= MyLastLine)
/* Replace point is in new block. */
MyAddOffset = (char far *) *CurLinePtr - (char far *) MyLastLine + sizeof (TypBlock);
*CurLinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) NewBlockPtr + MyAddOffset);
*CurBlockPtr = NewBlockPtr;
GlobalUnlock (MyBlockPtr->hCurBlock);
/* Add point is in current block. */
GlobalUnlock (NewBlockPtr->hCurBlock);
return (ReplaceLine (LineToAdd, CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr));
d523 1
a523 1
d545 1
a545 1
d547 1
a547 1
/* We have emptied the block. We must check for whether
d550 3
a552 3
if (MyBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->TotalLines)
/* The document is not empty. Delete this empty block.
d554 5
a558 5
DeleteBlock (CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr);
/* The document is empty. Don't delete this block.
d562 2
a563 2
d565 2
a566 2
/* We're at the end of the block, but the block is not empty.
d569 2
a570 2
NextLine (CurBlockPtr, CurLinePtr);
d607 6
a612 6
GlobalUnlock ((*BlockPtr)->hCurBlock);
*BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock ((*BlockPtr)->hNextBlock);
*LinePtr = (TypLine far *) ((char far *) *BlockPtr + sizeof (TypBlock));
retcode = 1;
d651 5
a655 5
GlobalUnlock ((*BlockPtr)->hCurBlock);
*BlockPtr = (TypBlock far *) GlobalLock ((*BlockPtr)->hPrevBlock);
*LinePtr = (TypLine far *)
((char far *) *BlockPtr + (*BlockPtr)->LWAp1 - sizeof (TypLine));
d657 2
a658 2
IncPtr (*LinePtr, -(*((int far *) (*LinePtr) - 1)));
d660 3
a662 3
return (0);
d720 6
a725 6
bptr = (char far *) LinePtr + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypGroup);
while (--BufSize > 1 && (*(Buf++) = *(bptr++)));
*Buf = '\0';
DidIt = TRUE;
d727 6
a732 6
bptr = (char far *) LinePtr + sizeof (TypLine) + sizeof (TypText);
while (--BufSize > 1 && (*(Buf++) = *(bptr++)));
*Buf = '\0';
DidIt = TRUE;
d785 4
a788 4
*BlockPtr = MyBlockPtr;
*LinePtr = MyLinePtr;
d790 4
a793 4
MessageBox (hWndConf, "Can't find line", "in LockLine", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
return (FALSE);
d877 5
a881 1
d900 4
a903 4
MessageBox (MyDoc->hDocWnd, "Hit end of document", "Error in WhatLine",
d925 16
a940 1
d995 4
d1009 3
a1011 3
if (LinesSoFar + MyBlockPtr->NumLines > LineOrd)
LinesSoFar += MyBlockPtr->NumLines;
d1021 1
d1023 5
a1027 5
if (!NextLine (&MyBlockPtr, &MyLinePtr))
d1032 22
d1079 1
a1079 1
*(Target--) = *(Source--);
d1084 1
a1084 1
*(Target++) = *(Source++);
d1212 13
a1224 13
old_lineID = LinePtr->LineID;
lpfnFunc (Doc, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr, wFlag, wValue);
if (old_lineID == LinePtr->LineID &&
LinePtr->length != END_OF_BLOCK)
looping = NextLine (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
else if (LinePtr->length == END_OF_BLOCK)
looping = FALSE;
d1232 55
d1359 10
a1368 8
orglineptr = (char far *) LinePtr + TextOffset;
sourceptr = sourceline;
for (SourceLen = 0; ch = *(orglineptr),
*(sourceptr++) = tolower (ch); SourceLen++)
found = SearchLine (sourceline, SourceLen, targline, TargLen);
d1408 4
a1411 4
d1413 3
a1415 3
return (lineptr - Line);
d1454 12
a1465 12
FindDoc->hCurTopScBlock = FindDoc->hFindBlock;
FindDoc->TopScOffset = FindDoc->FindOffset;
FindDoc->TopScLineID = FindDoc->FindLineID;
refresh = TRUE;
LockLine (FindDoc->hCurTopScBlock, FindDoc->TopScOffset, FindDoc->TopScLineID,
&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
for (goline = FindDoc->ScYLines / 4; goline; goline--)
PrevLine (&BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
/* Have we gone past the top of the last screen?
d1468 13
a1480 13
LineOrd = WhatLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr);
LastAllowedLineOrd = FindDoc->TotalLines - FindDoc->ScYLines;
if (LineOrd > LastAllowedLineOrd)
GlobalUnlock (BlockPtr->hCurBlock);
FindLineOrd (FindDoc, LastAllowedLineOrd, &BlockPtr, &LinePtr);
LineOrd = LastAllowedLineOrd;
UnlockLine (BlockPtr, LinePtr, &(FindDoc->hCurTopScBlock),
&(FindDoc->TopScOffset), &(FindDoc->TopScLineID));
FindDoc->TopLineOrd = LineOrd;
iline = LineOnScreen (FindDoc, FindDoc->hFindBlock, FindDoc->FindOffset, FindDoc->FindLineID);
@fixed compiler warnings
@d1 1
d4 1
a4 1
* $Id: wvblock.c 1.2 1993/05/24 23:56:18 rushing Exp rushing $
d6 3
@Doc->HeaderLines = 0 (MRB)
@d3 1
a3 1
* $Id: wvblock.c 1.1 1993/02/16 20:53:50 rushing Exp $
d5 3
d277 2
a278 1
while ((char far *) MyLinePtr - (char far *) MyBlock < MyBlock->OwnerDoc->SplitSize &&
d414 2
a415 1
while (((char far *) MyLinePtr - (char far *) MyBlockPtr) < MyBlockPtr->OwnerDoc->SplitSize &&
@Initial revision
@d3 4
a6 2
* $Id$
* $Log$
d8 1
d1044 1